Vowels and Letter Combinations – Los vocales y las combinaciones de letras – Lesson 3


In this video lesson, student PDF, and auto-graded Google forms quiz, your students will learn pronunciations of vowels and various letter combinations. A FREE, short introduction video, in English, sets the stage for your students as they prepare to learn these basic pronunciation skills in Spanish. Then it’s off to the instructional video, which will present the phrases in Spanish and offer opportunities for practice and repetition. For access to the videos only, click here. You may note that I take a comprehensible input approach in this and other lessons.

Next comes the student pdf, which recaps the content and skills presented and includes tips for pronunciation. Students further solidify their knowledge by completing a Mastery Track Activity, also included in the pdf. Finally, the included google form question will allow the student (and you!) to reflect on their efforts. Because correct pronunciation takes time, there is not a quiz attached to this beginning lesson. Rather, the Mastery Track Activity is one that should be performed over and over to achieve success. 

This is lesson 3 out of 22 from El Puente Bilingüe’s Beginner Spanish Course. 

Lessons in the course teach:

  • Greetings and Farewells
  • The Alphabet
  • Vowels and Letter Combinations
  • Gender of Nouns and Articles
  • Home Vocabulary
  • School Vocabulary
  • Plurals of Nouns and Articles
  • Numbers from Zero to Thirty
  • Accent Rules
  • Pronouns
  • Family Vocabulary
  • Intro to Ser
  • Introductions with Llamarse
  • Question Words
  • Introduction to Estar
  • Using Question Words with Ser and Estar
  • Introduction to Tener
  • Colors, plus Adjective and Noun Agreement
  • Possessive Pronouns
  • Describing Physical Characteristics
  • Age with Ser and Tener
  • Describing Personality